Song Lyric Meanings from the 1980’s

Digging Deeper Into the Lyrics of Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen

Digging Deeper Into the Lyrics of Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen

It's difficult to know where to start when it comes to the lyrics of "Hallelujah." Cohen himself famously said that he wrote hundreds of verses for the song and that he was reduced to bashing his head against the floor while writing them. Even more confusing is that...

The Meaning Behind Landslide by Fleetwood Mac

The Meaning Behind Landslide by Fleetwood Mac

This meaning and the lyrics of Landslide are an introspective, intensely personal expression of both frustration and longing for Stevie Nicks. Music Has the Power to Ease Frustration Polydor Records had just released Nicks and her boyfriend, Lindsey Buckingham, and...

Digging Deeper Into the Lyrics of “Lux Aeterna,” Metallica

Digging Deeper Into the Lyrics of “Lux Aeterna,” Metallica

Lux aeterna is Latin for "the eternal light." In religious contexts, it's the "light perpetual" that shines upon us after we die. The song is about being in the darkness in certain times in your life but then also having this ever-present light shine upon you both to...

Uncovering the Deeper Significance of Purple Rain by Prince

Uncovering the Deeper Significance of Purple Rain by Prince

"Purple Rain" is a song about the end of the world. Prince himself said that the purple rain comes from the blue of the sky mixing with blood to form purple rain. The deeper meaning behind the song is that the listener is supposed to be with the person he loves during...